I have the following error, kept in mind that "Booleano" corresponds to an user-define type.
Prop.hs:173:28: error:
• No instance for (Foldable ((->) [Booleano]))
arising from a use of ‘null’
• In the first argument of ‘(==)’, namely ‘(null aux2)’
In the expression: ((null aux2) == True)
In the expression:
if ((null aux2) == True) then Falso else Verdadero
Prop.hs:184:16: error:
• No instance for (Eq Booleano) arising from a use of ‘==’
• In the expression: x == Falso
In an equation for ‘comparador2’: comparador2 x = x == Falso*
Im working with this code:
type Estados = [(String,Booleano)]
esTautologia :: Prop -> [Estados] -> Booleano
esTautologia p est = if (null aux2 == True ) then
aux :: Prop -> [Estados] -> [Booleano]
aux p est= map (interp p) est
aux2:: [Booleano] -> [Booleano]
aux2= filter comparador2 aux
comparador2:: Booleano -> Bool
comparador2 x= x == Falso
The type Prop it's for making logic arguments, so, Prop isn't a key problem. Thanks for the help, if you need another especification, please tell me.
Since filter
has type (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
your definition for aux2
looks weird. The second argument to filter
is a simple list, not a function (aux
in your case). You either need more arguments to aux
or skip aux
to get the types right:
aux2 :: Prop -> [Estados] -> [Booleano]
aux2 a b = filter comparador2 (aux a b)
aux2 :: [Booleano] -> [Booleano]
aux2 = filter comparador2