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Optimize Lisp recursive random walk

This function results in stack overflow for more than about 2000 steps, is there any way I can easily optimize it to use less memory?

(defun randomwalk (steps state)
(displaystate state)
(if (equal steps 0) nil
        (if (solved? state) t
            (let ((nrmlstate (normalize state)))
                (randomwalk (- steps 1) (applymove nrmlstate (nth (random 
(length (getallmoves nrmlstate))) (getallmoves nrmlstate))))


  • It looks like you only call in tail position which means you can easily rewrite it to not recurse at all:

    (defun randomwalk (steps state)
      (loop :if (= steps 0)     
                :do (return nil)
            :if (solved? state) 
                :do (return t)
                :do (let* ((nrmlstate (normalize state))
                           (moves (getallmoves nrmlstate))
                           (random-move (nth (random (length moves)) moves)))
                      (setf state (applymove nrmlstate random-move))
                      (decf steps))))

    Since I don't have the functions you use I have not been able to test it other than for the base cases.