I'm trying to run two SQL statements (MSSQL 2005), asynchronously in a background worker. However, when I call the EndExecuteNonQuery method on the first SqlCommand I get a 'SQL syntax error near' error.
Here is my code:
SqlCommand sqlCmd = uow.DataLayer.CreateCommand() as SqlCommand;
sqlCmd.CommandText = "DELETE FROM dbo.EligibilityRecordKeyValue WHERE EligibilityRecord IN " +
"(SELECT EligibilityRecord FROM dbo.EligibilityRecord WHERE Organization = '" + map.Organization.Oid + "')";
IAsyncResult result = sqlCmd.BeginExecuteNonQuery();
while (!result.IsCompleted)
worker.ReportProgress(0, "Deleting existing record keys");
count = sqlCmd.EndExecuteNonQuery(result);
catch (SqlException ex)
catch (InvalidOperationException ex)
worker.ReportProgress(2, String.Format("Existing {0} records keys deleted.", count));
SqlCommand sqlCmd = uow.DataLayer.CreateCommand() as SqlCommand;
sqlCmd.CommandText = "DELETE FROM dbo.EligibilityRecord WHERE Organization = '" + map.Organization.Oid + "'";
IAsyncResult result = sqlCmd.BeginExecuteNonQuery();
while (!result.IsCompleted)
worker.ReportProgress(0, "Deleting existing records");
count = sqlCmd.EndExecuteNonQuery(result);
catch (SqlException ex)
catch (InvalidOperationException ex)
worker.ReportProgress(5, String.Format("Existing {0} records deleted.", count));
It fails on the first count = sqlCmd.EndExecuteNonQuery(result);
Ok, adding WAITFOR DELAY's to both SQL commands seems to have resolved the issue.
sqlCmd.CommandText = String.Format("WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:05'; DELETE FROM dbo.EligibilityRecordKeyValue WHERE EligibilityRecord IN " +
"(SELECT EligibilityRecord FROM dbo.EligibilityRecord WHERE Organization = '{0}')", map.Organization.Oid);
sqlCmd.CommandText = String.Format("WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:05'; DELETE FROM dbo.EligibilityRecord WHERE Organization = '{0}'", map.Organization.Oid);
Anyone know why this happens?