The .bat file is located in C:\Temp in a domain network. It will be ran via shortcut on user desktop. Using this setup, on my system and on one other system (laptop Win 7 Pro and Desktop Win 7 Pro), it works. Different users. I have admin account, and test profile call joe user (juser) no admin rights. Does what it is intended to do. Tried on additional users desktops under their profile and it fails. Does not find the files. I added pauses after each command to decipher and found the errors. Verified files are indeed there. Able to browse to location and actually see the files.
Can someone help point out what I am not seeing?
Again it works on my system, a default user with no admin rights systems for testing purposes, but fails on others.
@echo off
title This will delete you cookies!
echo This will program will close all Chrome Windows and clear cookies. Make sure all data is saved before pressing any key.
echo Are you sure you are ready?
echo Absolutely sure?
taskkill /IM Chrome.exe /F
cd %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\
del Cookies
del Cookies-journal
del Current Session
TaskKill /F /IM Chrome.exe /T 2>Nul
CD/D "%LOCALAPPDATA%\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default"
Del/A/F Cookies Cookies-journal "Current Session"