I'm refactoring some projects where I'd previously used third-party JSON parsers and I've encountered a goofy site that returns a boolean as a string.
This is the relevant snippet from the JSON response:
"delay": "false",
/* a bunch of other keys*/
My struct for Decoding looks like this:
struct MyJSONStruct: Decodable {
let delay: Bool
// the rest of the keys
How would I convert the string returned in the JSON response into a Bool to match my struct in Swift 4? While this post was helpful, I can't figure out how to turn a string response into a boolean value.
Basically you have to write a custom initializer but if there are many good keys but only one to map from a type to another a computed property might be useful
struct MyJSONStruct: Decodable {
var delay: String
// the rest of the keys
var boolDelay : Bool {
get { return delay == "true" }
set { delay = newValue ? "true" : "false" }