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google places api consumes 10 request but I am doing only 1

I am doing a request to Google Places Api in R, I am only doing the next request:


latlon<-c(40.395536 ,-3.709588)
result<-google_places(search_string =  "Hospital",
                        location = latlon,
                        key = APIkey,
                        keyword = "Hospital",
                        language = "es")

It is 1 request but when I look in the Google Places console, it consumes 10 request. Why? What is the problem?


  • From Google's documentation

    Note: The Text Search service is subject to a 10-times multiplier. That is, each Text Search request that you make will count as 10 requests against your quota. If you've purchased the Google Places API Web Service as part of your Google Maps APIs Premium Plan contract, the multiplier may be different.

    So what you're seeing is expected behaviour