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Neo4j Summing node values in path

i have this method to to find all paths from a starting node, and return the paths with the sum of the Score value in each node, for each path.

public List<PathScore> GetHighScorePath(string nodeName)
            List<PathScore> result =
                .Where((LogEvent n) => n.Name == nodeName)
                .AndWhere("Not ((leaf)-->(n))")
                .ReturnDistinct(p => new PathScore
                    Nodes = Return.As<IEnumerable<Node<LogEvent>>>("nodes(p)"),
                    Relationships = Return.As<IEnumerable<RelationshipInstance<Pivot>>>("rels(p)"),
                    pScore = Return.As<int>("REDUCE(total = 0, n IN nodes(p) | total + n.Score)")
            return result;


this is my path result class

public class PathScore
    public IEnumerable<Node<LogEvent>> Nodes { get; set; }
    public IEnumerable<RelationshipInstance<Pivot>> Relationships { get; set; }
    public int pScore;

But i get this error msg from neo4j

Neo4j returned a valid response, however Neo4jClient was unable to deserialize into the object structure you supplied.

i believe the error lies with the part where i return the score as part of the returned object. This is the line that is causing the error:

pScore = Return.As<int>("REDUCE(total = 0, n IN nodes(p) | total + n.Score)")


  • ok so its just a mistake where i left out the get/set accessors.

    this is the edited version

     public class PathScore
        public IEnumerable<Node<LogEvent>> Nodes { get; set; }
        public IEnumerable<RelationshipInstance<Pivot>> Relationships { get; set; }
        public int pScore { get; set; }