In my mobile application, i request a Ad banner of AdMob on first page only. Now this Ad banner is sticked for all pages. Is this a good practice or should i request a new banner on every page to increase the number of Impressions and revenue.
Current Implementation
constructor(platform: Platform, private admob: AdMobPro){ platform.ready().then(() => { this.showBanner(); }); } showBanner() { this.admob.createBanner({adId: 'xyz', isTesting: true, autoShow: true}) .then(() => this.admob.showBanner(this.admob.AD_POSITION.BOTTOM_CENTER)); }
If i create the banner here, it will get stick to all pages.
Should i write the same code for all the pages of my application, so that a new banner request is made on every page to increase the number of Impressions and revenue.
You have done it correctly. No need to implement this on each and every page. Google doesn't care about the way it has been developed on the app.They'll pay according to the eCPM and Paid per click
Payment from impressions
was negligible.So most of the revenue you'll receive through Paid per click
Here you can see the AdMob Banner Ads Best Practices.