I'm currently working on an Android app that enables users to group-chat with each other via OpenTok API. And I want to add a feature to the app that automatically detects which user is talking right now and show his video to the others and minimize the other users' videos until someone else talks.
I cannot find such feature in OpenTok so I was wondering if there's a workaround.
private void joinVideoCall(String sessionId, String sessionToken) {
session = new Session.Builder(activity, OPENTOK_API_KEY, sessionId).build();
public void onConnected(Session session) {
publisher = new Publisher.Builder(activity).build();
public void onStreamReceived(Session session, Stream stream) {
subscriber = new Subscriber.Builder(activity, stream).build();
In order to do that, you'll need to use a custom audio driver that will detect the audio levels.
Take a look to this sample: https://github.com/opentok/opentok-android-sdk-samples/tree/master/Custom-Audio-Driver
And also, take a look to the API documentation: https://tokbox.com/developer/sdks/android/reference/com/opentok/android/BaseAudioDevice.html