I'm looking for a simple and intuitive (for future maintainers) way to map Active Directory groups to roles/permissions in my ASP.NET MVC application that uses Windows Auth. Similar to this question ASP.NET MVC Roles without database (and without role provider) but since that question was asked eight years ago, there may be new answers.
I actually expected this to be straight forward, but I'm drawing a blank searching. Is there an easier solution than to implement a custom role provider?
I would like something that would lead to a config file conceptually like this:
<role name="Reader">
<add users="bob"/>
<add users="mydomain\My app readergroup"/>
<role name="Editor">
<add users="alice"/>
<add users="mydomain\My app editorgroup"/>
<allow roles="Reader, Editor"/>
<deny users="?" />
I ended up taking a simpler route. I defined local groups, assigned authorization to them and made the domain groups members of the local groups in production.