I am not able to find any way to grant access to view the "Enabled APIs & Services" dashboard page. My co-worker does not have access but I can't find any roles or documentation that suggest what access is needed to view this page. See attached image of issue.
This article suggests Cloud Endpoints can be used, but when I go to Cloud Endpoints I just end up at a blank page (see below):
Giving your friend the role of Quota Viewer
should be sufficient, although he won't be able to see the charts for traffick/errors/median latency, he will be able to view the enabled API's. If he needs to be able to view these charts as well you could grant him the role of Project Viewer
You can find out more about the available roles and their permissions here
This role probably includes more permissions than is strictly needed, so you could always create a custom role and assign it to him so that he only has the permissions strictly needed.