i am working on a simple playing card detecting programme. For now i have a working Sift Algorithmus from here. And i have created some bounding boxes around the cards. Then i used Sift on the card to be searched for and saved the descriptors.
But what to do next? Do i have to make a mask of the object and run with it through the bounding box while running Sift in every step? Couldn't find any tutorial on how to do that exactly.
Hope someone can help me!
Greets Max
edit: I want to recognize every card, so i can say like: it's a heart 7 or so.
Once you have the representation of the cards ready (what @nimcap says), you then you need to do the recognition itself. You can try nearest neighbors, SVM, etc.
Also, for a better description (more technical) of what to do you might want to look at Lowe's original 2004 SIFT paper.