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Simple example of Postgres query in Ruby

For the life of me I can't find a simple example of just running something like


in Ruby. Everything I'm finding assumes an ORM or Rails. For now, I don't want ORM; I don't want Rails. I'm looking for something standalone that uses the pg gem and executes a simple query.


  • From the pg gem documentation (

    require 'pg'
    conn = => 'test')
    res  = conn.exec('SELECT 1 AS a, 2 AS b, NULL AS c')
    res.getvalue(0,0) # '1'
    res[0]['b']       # '2'
    res[0]['c']       # nil

    My next question would be authentication with a DB that requires a password. Looks like you can send a connection string like this:
    PGconn.connect( "dbname=test password=mypass") or use the constuctor with parameters:, port, options, tty, dbname, login, password) or use a hash like :password => '...' see here for all available options.