My code is as below. I want to open not on Chrome or basic browser but open on Ionic native I changed the second parameter to _self, _blank, _system and Ionic Cordova ran the Android to check on my device, but whenever I came to the place, it ask me to open on Chrome or other browser and if I click one browser, it open it on that browser.
How can I open web site on Ionic?
constructor(public navCtrl: NavController,public navParams : NavParams,
public modalCtrl:ModalController,private iab:InAppBrowser
public fb:FirebaseService) {
const options:InAppBrowserOptions={
const browser = this.iab.create('','_system',options);
As you already mentionend, the second parameter should be changed to _blank to open the link inside ionic:
openWithInAppBrowser(): void {
const browser = this.iab.create('', '_blank');
If that is not going to work, please verify if you installed the plugin correctly:
If you need more help, please post the whole code and your ionic environment info (ionic info).