I Want to Integrate Jasper Report Integration 2.3.0 with Oracle Apex 5.1 according to Given Installation in Jasper Report Integration Index Page but not. There are some following issues that i am facing after Installation Please guide that Solution ..
My guess is that it is the security in Oracle DB on UTL_HTTP. You have to allow access to destinations, in your case your JasperReport URL. Here is 1 link that describes allowing web resource access. https://www.toadworld.com/platforms/oracle/w/wiki/11520.calling-web-pages-and-web-services-from-the-oracle-database
Here is the core of the article:
If you just want to read the content of a web page with HTTP, you can use the UTL_HTTP package. Allowing Access
The database does not allow calls to any address a developer fancies; you need to set up an Access Control List (ACL) first. There are two steps: Create an ACL, and add a host and port range to the ACL.
To allow access to e.g. www.oracle.com, you could use the following:
acl => 'acl_oracle',
description => 'Allow access to oracle.com for testing',
principal => 'SCOTT',
is_grant => TRUE,
privilege => 'connect',
start_date => SYSTIMESTAMP,
end_date => NULL);
acl => 'acl_oracle',
host => 'www.oracle.com',
lower_port => 80,
upper_port => NULL);