I am currently working with the Gracenote Web API using the C# wrapper made by Park Square and I don't know how to set the detail levels.
Currently the Search() method only returns one level of detail for genre, mood, tempo etc. but I would like to get as much detail as possible.
Currently my code looks like this:
var gnRes = gnClient.Search(new SearchCriteria {
AlbumTitle = albumName,
Artist = artistName,
TrackTitle = trackTitle,
SearchMode = SearchMode.BestMatchWithCoverArt,
SearchOptions = SearchOptions.Mood | SearchOptions.Tempo | SearchOptions.ArtistOriginEraType
I have discovered that the SearchCriteria object has a ResponseDetail class indicating that it is indeed possible to set the detail level but I don't know how to use it correctly. The doumentation posted for the wrapper doesn't mention it.
I found out how to do this and get the type of response I want.
SearchCriteria searchCriteria = new SearchCriteria();
ResponseDetail detail = new ResponseDetail();
detail.GenreLevels = ResponseDetail.Level.Three;
detail.MoodLevels = ResponseDetail.Level.Two;
detail.TempoLevels = ResponseDetail.Level.Three;
detail.ArtistEraLevels = ResponseDetail.Level.Two;
detail.ArtistOriginLevels = ResponseDetail.Level.Four;
detail.ArtistTypeLevels = ResponseDetail.Level.Two;
searchCriteria.AlbumTitle = albumTitle;
searchCriteria.Artist = artistName;
searchCriteria.TrackTitle = trackTitle;
searchCriteria.SearchMode = SearchMode.BestMatch;
searchCriteria.SearchOptions = SearchOptions.Mood | SearchOptions.Tempo | SearchOptions.ArtistOriginEraType;
searchCriteria.ResponseDetail = detail;
SearchResult gnRes = gnClient.Search(searchCriteria);