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How do I integrate MSYS2 shell into Visual studio code on Window?

I tried to integrate MSYS2 shell into Visual studio Code integrated terminal. Here's my user settings:

    "": "C:\\msys64\\usr\\bin\\bash.exe",
    "": ["--login", "-i"]

However, I ran into a problem where --login changes the current working directory to Windows home. I want the current directory to be at the root of my workspace.

My further attempt was I tried add a flag -c 'cd ${workspaceRoot}'. However, the bash would crashed on start. I could properly get to current directory by removing --login, but without login mode, all other shell command (ls, cd, etc) are not available.

How do I properly integrate MSYS2 shell into my vscode?


  • #Original but not working 100% (accepted as the answer) This will start the MSYS2 bash shell properly so your .bash_login gets executed:

    "": "C:\\msys64\\msys2_shell.cmd",
    "": ["-defterm", "-mingw64", "-no-start", "-here"]

    #Edit The original answer seemed to work at the time, but when I tried to start using tasks in VSCode it was clearly not working. Trying to run a task that simply called make all caused the following error:

    /usr/bin/bash: /d: No such file or directory
    The terminal process terminated with exit code: 127

    From the other answers, using "": ["--login", "-i"] got the almost the correct environment (MSYS instead of MINGW64) but started in the wrong directory, and "": ["-lic", "cd $OLDPWD; exec bash"] started in the correct directory with the correct environment but could not run tasks.

    I came up with this solution that so far seems to work fine.
    In VSCode settings:

    "": "C:\\msys64\\usr\\bin\\bash.exe",
        "MSYSTEM": "MINGW64",
        //"MSYS2_PATH_TYPE": "inherit",
        "MSVSCODE": "1"

    In .bashrc:

    if [ ! -z "$MSVSCODE" ]; then
        unset MSVSCODE
        source /etc/profile
        cd "${OLDPWD}" # this has to be in quotes to handle file paths with spaces