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SCons - Headers/Libraries in a non-standard location

I'm trying to use SCons to compile a program that requires a set of dependencies which I've installed in a non-standard location.

I've installed the dependencies in /home/dja/ocr. Now I'm trying to compile the main program and can't figure out how to tell SCons where to look for the libraries and headers.

I've tried (amongst others):

scons prefix=/home/dja/ocr

scons includepath=/home/dja/ocr/include libpath=/home/dja/ocr/lib

env LIBPATH=/home/dja/ocr/lib INCLUDEPATH=/home/dja/ocr/include scons


The results are always the same:

scons: Reading SConscript files ...  
Currently supported OS version: Ubuntu 10.04  
Checking for C++ library iulib... no  
AssertionError: :  
  File "/home/dja/ocr/src/ocropus/SConstruct", line 107:  
    assert conf.CheckLibWithHeader("iulib","iulib/iulib.h","C++");  

I haven't been able to find an answer on Google.

What is the correct SCons foo to get this to work?


  • Unlike with make and its conventions for certain environment variables or the --with-X options to configure, the author of the SConstruct needs to provide a way for a user to specify overrides. By default, scons doesn't read build variables from the environment.

    There are various ways of handling user configuration (see Variables which I just learned about), but I'm not aware of widely honored conventions. And for the user in your position, you need to rely on the author writing build documentation or a decent scons --help description, or resort to reading the SConstruct yourself (which you sometimes have to resort to with badly written unconventional Makefiles).

    BTW, I would be happy to be corrected on this if my knowledge of scons is out of date.