This code results in silence:
let query = MPMediaQuery.songs()
let result = query.items
guard let items = result, items.count > 0 else {return}
let song = items[0]
let player = MPMusicPlayerController.applicationQueuePlayer
let coll = MPMediaItemCollection(items: [song])
let q = MPMusicPlayerMediaItemQueueDescriptor(itemCollection: coll)
player.setQueue(with: q)
I've stepped through the code, and we reach
. I have an MPMediaItem and I've correctly formed an MPMediaItemCollection from that, and an MPMusicPlayerMediaItemQueueDescriptor from that. So why isn't my player playing?
You've found a bug. It appears that the initializer MPMusicPlayerMediaItemQueueDescriptor(itemCollection:)
is completely broken: it results in an unusable queue descriptor.
The workaround, where possible, is to use the other initializer instead, namely MPMusicPlayerMediaItemQueueDescriptor(query:)
For example, in this case, you could write (picking up in the last four lines of the original code):
let coll = MPMediaItemCollection(items: [song])
let predicate = MPMediaPropertyPredicate(
value: song.persistentID,
forProperty: MPMediaItemPropertyPersistentID)
let query = MPMediaQuery(filterPredicates: [predicate])
let q = MPMusicPlayerMediaItemQueueDescriptor(query: query)
player.setQueue(with: q)
Unfortunately, there are many circumstances where you can't form a single query that gets the MPMediaItemCollection you really wanted.
In this particular example you could work around that, too, by setting the player's queue directly with an MPMediaItemCollection instead of a MPMusicPlayerMediaItemQueueDescriptor made from an MPMediaItemCollection.
But alas, there are some commands (such as append(_:)
) that require an MPMusicPlayerMediaItemQueueDescriptor, and for things like that, this entire API is basically hosed. It has been hosed since iOS 10.1 and it remains hosed in iOS 11.1.