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Python unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'float' and 'str

I'm writing a short script where I plan on getting some information about the host PC and write it to an excel workbook. I'm still learning stuff so it's nothing fancy. I get all the data I need and can write in most of the stuff. I can't seem to get one thing work though. When trying the below code:

hardwareSheet.write("B7", usage + "%")

I can print out the "usage" variable only but when I add +"%" I keep getting the following error:

TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'float' and 'str'

I'm using xlsxwriter library to crate and write excel. hardwareSheet.write is a command allowing me to write data into sheet named hardware. Here's how I got "usage" variable:

cpuInfo = wmi.Win32_Processor()[0]
usage = float(cpuInfo.LoadPercentage)

If I didn't parse cpuInfo.LoadPercentage to a float it would be a string. I googled this and read that I need to parse the str into a float so I did so.Any ideas what could be wrong?


  • you can't add floats and strings in python. usage is a float. "%" is a string.

    you should do something like:

    str(usage) + '%'