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@Profile Spring Annotation in Camel

I have a Spring Boot + Apache Camel project that works brilliantly. I just added a new bean though where I wanted to have its implementation be profile-specific. I created Spring tests to verify it, and it works as expected, but when I run the server I get the following stack trace:

Caused by: org.apache.camel.NoSuchBeanException: No bean could be found in the registry for: MyFancyBean
    at org.apache.camel.component.bean.RegistryBean.getBean(
    at org.apache.camel.model.language.MethodCallExpression.createExpression(
    at org.apache.camel.model.language.MethodCallExpression.createPredicate(
    at org.apache.camel.model.language.ExpressionDefinition.createPredicate(
    at org.apache.camel.model.ValidateDefinition.createProcessor(
    at org.apache.camel.model.ValidateDefinition.createProcessor(
    at org.apache.camel.model.ProcessorDefinition.makeProcessorImpl(
    at org.apache.camel.model.ProcessorDefinition.makeProcessor(
    at org.apache.camel.model.ProcessorDefinition.addRoutes(
    at org.apache.camel.model.RouteDefinition.addRoutes(

I have an interface and two implementations:

public interface MyFancyBean { ... }

public class FooFancyBean implements MyFancyBean { ... }

public class NonFooFancyBean implements MyFancyBean { ... }

Depending on profile, the correct bean is read instantiated:

public class AppConfig {
    MyFancyBean fooBean() {
        return new FooFancyBean();

    MyFancyBean nonFooBean() {
        return new NonFooFancyBean();

I've verified this works a couple of ways. First, a couple tests:

@ComponentScan(basePackages = {"com.example", "com.jtv.spring.boot"})
public class NonFooBean_SpringTest {

    private MyFancyBean bean;

    // ... here "bean" is instantiated as "NonFooFancyBean"

So the test works.

Further, when I start my app, depending on profile the correct bean in my @Configuration class above is called.

But Camel is still angry and says "NoSuchBeanException" on startup.

FWIW, here's how I'm referencing the bean:

public class MyCamelRoute extends RouteBuilder {

    public void configure() throws Exception {
        // [...]


How do I get Camel to honor this config?


  • Whoooo... Y'all get to be my rubber duck today. I just autowired it. (This doesn't work for my processor, which is why it didn't occur to me initially.)

    public class MyCamelRoute extends RouteBuilder {
        public void configure() throws Exception {
            // [...]
            @Autowired MyFancyBean myFancyBean;