I need to count the usage of alphabetical characters in some plain text file. This is what i have came with. Basically just run through the text file and compare each character with the ASCII value of specific searched character.
When I run it, all I can see is just the first printf()
string and just error of terminated status when I close the console.
I do have a text.txt file in same folder as the .exe file but I can't see anything.
Not sure if just my syntax is bad or even semantics.
Thx for help! :-)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define ASCIIstart 65
#define ASCIIend 90
void main(){
FILE *fopen(), *fp;
int c;
unsigned int sum;
fp = fopen("text.txt","r");
printf("Characters found in text: \n");
for (int i = ASCIIstart; i <= ASCIIend; i++){
sum = 0;
c = toupper(getc(fp));
while (c != EOF){
if (c == i){
sum = sum++;
c = toupper(getc(fp));
if (sum > 0){
printf("%c: %u\n",i,sum);
Rewind the pointer to the beginning of the file at the end of your for loop?
This has been posted before: Resetting pointer to the start of file
P.S. - maybe use an array for your output values : int charactercount[pow(2,sizeof(char))] so that you don't have to parse the file repeatedly?
edit: was missing pow()