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Backbone one to many relationschip

I'm a beginner with Backbone.js and i have trouble to make a one to many relationschip between two Backbone models, and showing this data into a html tabel row. I'm working with a machine that can have multiple orders. the data will look like :

  • machine 10 has orders 1,2,5,9.
  • machine 14 has orders 3,4,6.

The machine and orders are coupled with a FK machine_id in order. I'm trying to make the TR element with the first element TH to be the machine, and on the second/third TH i wanna show the orders that are belong to a machine.

So the questions i ask are :

  • how do i make this one to many relationship, within my backbone model.
  • how do i make this TR element within my underscore template to show orders that belong to a machine.

Below are the models for Order and Machine :

app.Machine = Backbone.Model.extend({
    defaults : {
         machine_id : "",  
         status : "",
         description : "",
app.Order = Backbone.Model.extend({
    defaults: {
        order_id: "",
        description: "",
        amount: "",,
        machine_id: ""
app.MachineList = Backbone.Collection.extend({
    model: app.Machine


 app.MachineView = Backbone.View.extend({
    className: 'MachineRow',
    template: _.template($('#Machine_Template').html()),
    render: function(){
        return this;
app.MachineListView = Backbone.View.extend({
    el: '#Machine',

    initialize: function(initialMachine){
        this.collection = new app.MachineList(initialMachine);
    render: function(){
        }, this);
    renderMachine: function(item){
        var machineView = new app.MachineView({
            model: item

HTML code : will look something like this??

<script id="machine_template" type="text/template">            
            <%= machine_id %> //etc
            <%= order_id %> //etc
            <%= order_id %> //etc


  • Assuming you have a collection of orders called orders, you can do something like:

    let renderData = -> {
      return {
        machine: machine,
        orders: orders.where({machine_id: machine.get('id')}

    this should give you a structure similar to

       machine: machineModel1,
       orders: [orderModel1, orderModal2]
       machine: machineModel2,
       orders: [orderModel3, orderModal4]

    You can now pass this to your template function which iterates over each entry and renders it.