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How to install package RSQLite.extfuns in R

I have a problem with installing package RSQLite.extfuns. I get error:

package ‘RSQLite.extfuns’ is not available (for R version 3.4.2)

I tried to do it manually by downloading file from but also with negative effects. Can anyone solve my problem?


  • Those functions are now in RSQLite itself. Invoke the initExtension command to access them. This example uses the variance function from the extfuns:

    m <-dbDriver("SQLite")
    con <- dbConnect(m, dbname = ":memory:")
    initExtension(con)  # access extfuns
    dbWriteTable(con, 'BOD', BOD, row.names = FALSE)
    dbGetQuery(con, 'select variance(demand) from BOD')
    ##   variance(demand)
    ## 1         21.44267

    Also note that sqldf loads them automatically so you don't have to do anything special if you are using it:

    sqldf('select variance(demand) from BOD')
    ##   variance(demand)
    ## 1         21.44267