I'm using Retrofit2 in an Android app to GET a JSONObject however I continuously get an error stating Expected BEGIN_ARRAY but was BEGIN_OBJECT and I do not understand why.
"content":"Hello. Thank you for calling, how may I help you?"
"content":"You're taking general messages from the caller."
"content":"Please allow me to take a message and we will return your call as soon as possible. May I have your first and last name please?"
"content":"Phone Number"
"value":"(954) 535-3634",
"content":"Make sure you get caller's phone so we can call them back."
"value":"Rhrwth3rht3r . ",
"content":"Thank you so much for calling. Have a wonderful day."
"content":"Good morning."
"content":"First Label"
"content":"Choice 1"
"content":"Second Label"
"content":"Choice 2"
"content":"Cell Number to send SMS"
"content":"Ask the caller for their mobile number. Inform them that you will be sending them a text message and request that they reply to message with images."
"content":"Ask the caller for their mobile number. Inform them that you will be sending them a text message and request that they reply to message with images."
"sms_content":"Please reply to this text message and attach images.",
"content":"Schedule Date & Time"
"content":"The event has been closed. Please contact main number for more information."
"from":"09:00 am",
"to":"05:00 pm"
"from":"09:00 am",
"to":"05:00 pm"
"from":"09:00 am",
"to":"05:00 pm"
"from":"09:00 am",
"to":"05:00 pm"
"from":"09:00 am",
"to":"05:00 pm"
"from":"08:00 am",
"to":"06:00 pm"
...and I'm setup to receive a JSONObject:
Call<List<JSONObject>> getCallDetails(@Query("call_id") String callId, @Query("call_status") String callStatus, @Query("build") Boolean preBuild);
private void getCallDetails() {
mSelectedCall.build = false;
App.api.getCallDetails(mSelectedCall.idx, mSelectedCall.caller_status, mSelectedCall.build).enqueue(new API.SimpleCallback<List<JSONObject>>() {
public void onResponse(List<JSONObject> elements) {
public void onFailure(Call<List<JSONObject>> call, Throwable t) {
super.onFailure(call, t);
However I'm getting an error stating:
Expected BEGIN_ARRAY but was BEGIN_OBJECT at line 1 column 2 path $
...and I have no idea why.
Any suggestions are appreciated!
As the error says, you are expecting a list in this line
Call<List<JSONObject>> getCallDetails
You should remove a List object because your json does not start with [ ].
Call<JSONObject> getCallDetails