I'm extracting data from a Salesforce REST endpoint with the following set of queries:
SELECT COUNT(Id) FROM Table1__c WHERE CreatedDate < 2017-10-18T16:16:03Z
This returns a result of: 216
SELECT Id FROM Table1__c WHERE CreatedDate < 2017-10-18T16:16:03Z ORDER BY CreatedDate ASC LIMIT 100 OFFSET 0
This returns the desired 100 results which I format as follows for the next query:
'result1', 'result2',...,'result100'
This query however is only returning 87 of the desired 100 records:
Id, CreatedDate, A whole lotta fields,
(SELECT Name, more fields FROM Table2__r),
(SELECT Name, Even more fields FROM Table3__r),
(SELECT Name, Yeah, more fields FROM Table4__r),
(SELECT Name, You guessed it! more fields FROM Table5__r),
(SELECT Name, finally, the last fields FROM Table6__r)
FROM Table1__c WHERE Id IN (previous formatted result)
So my desire is for the query (ignoring the where-clause for a moment) to perform a left-outer join on Table1__c
with the other tables and limit the results to only the Ids from the previous query. However, the where-clause seems to be forcing it into a left-inner join between Table1__c
and the other tales? I'm not entirely sure. I'm querying against the Salesforce v39 REST interface.
is getting populated due to the size of the response and needs to be followed.