I have a table in SAS (using WPS Workbench) that looks like this.
ID Band_1 Band_2 Band_2 ... Band_160
1 Y Y N Y
2 N N N N
3 Y N N Y
4 N Y Y Y
200 Y N N Y
I want to summarise the table as follows: For each Band, I want a count of the number of Y and N values, with the table transposed (optional).
So down the left will consist of each band, and across the top will be a Y count and an N count. Or the bands can be across the top I don't mind.
Array processing is one (of several) ways to obtain your summary counts.
data have;
do id = 1 to 200;
array band(160) $1;
do _n_ = 1 to dim(band);
band(_n_) = substr('YN', 1+(ranuni(123)<0.4));
data want1(keep=column yes_n no_n);
set have end=last;
array band(160);
array Yes(160) _temporary_ (160*0);
array No(160) _temporary_ (160*0);
* accumulate counts;
do _n_ = 1 to dim(band);
if band(_n_) = 'Y' then Yes(_n_)+1; else
if band(_n_) = 'N' then No(_n_)+1;
* emit counts;
if last then
do _n_ = 1 to dim(band);
column = vname(band(_n_));
yes_n = Yes(_n_);
no_n = No(_n_);
The same 'want' data could be obtained from other techniques that use