I'm trying to read some information from an excel-file using the xlrd-module. This works fine most of the time, but when the script encounters any scandinavian letters the script stops. I've been reading several posts about unicode and encoding, but I must admit I'm not familiar with it.
The cell I'm reading contains text (string) and is being read as unicode (as normal with xlrd
). One example of a value that fails is Glørmestervej
and it is read by xlrd as u'Gl\xf8mestervej
. If I try to print the variable, the script stops. I've had most success by encoding the value with latin1
print cellValue.encode("latin1")
which gives the result Glormestervej
, but with a KeyError.
How do I get the variable to become a string with ø
instead of \xf8
? The reason is that I need to use it as an input to another service and it does not seem to work using unicode.
Regards, Torbjørn
I'm happy to say the problem have been solved, in fact there were not any error after all. There were some permission-issues with the user that I used for calling the service in which the variable was used. Thank you for your response!