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mac error: pkg-config not found (even if pkg-config is already installed)

I have read several posts about this.
But they didn't solved from mine.

Please see the information

brew install pkg-config

Finish install then

Rangers-iMac:dash ranger$ which pkg-config

It means pkg-config is installed.

Rangers-iMac:dash ranger$ ./configure
checking for exit in -lboost_chrono-mt... yes
checking whether the Boost::Unit_Test_Framework library is available... yes
checking for dynamic linked boost test... yes
configure: error: pkg-config not found.

it means configure can't find pkg-config.

I think the problem is in PATH, but I can't figure out how to fix it.


  • The project's configure-script seems to make assumptions about the location of pkg-config. Luckily you can override it using the PKG_CONFIG environment variable.

    export PKG_CONFIG=/path/to/pkg-config

    Then ./configure again.