I have 2 different neural network models, trained and saved using TFLearn. When I run each script, the saved models are loaded properly. I need a system where, the second model should be called after the output of the first model. But when I try to load the second model after the first model has been loaded, it gives me the following error:
NotFoundError (see above for traceback): Key val_loss_2 not found in checkpoint [[Node: save_6/RestoreV2_42 = RestoreV2[dtypes=[DT_FLOAT], _device="/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/cpu:0"](_arg_save_6/Const_0_0, save_6/RestoreV2_42/tensor_names, save_6/RestoreV2_42/shape_and_slices)]]
The second model is properly loaded if I comment out the loading of the first model, or if I run the 2 scripts separately. Any idea why this error is happening?
The code structure is something like ..
from second_model_file import check_second_model
def run_first_model(input):
features = convert_to_features(input)
model = tflearn.DNN(get_model())
model.load("model1_path/model1") # relative path
pred = model.predict(features)
if pred == certain_value:
The second_model_file.py
is something similar:
def check_second_model():
input_var = get_input_var()
model2 = tflearn.DNN(regression_model())
model2.load("model2_path/model2") # relative path
pred = model2.predict(input_var)
#other stuff ......
The models have been saved in different folders and so each have their own checkpoint
Well, okay I found the solution. It was hidden in the discussion on this thread .
I used tf.reset_default_graph()
before building the second network and model and it worked. Hope this helps someone else too.
New code:
import tensorflow as tf
def check_second_model():
input_var = get_input_var()
model2 = tflearn.DNN(regression_model())
model2.load("model2_path/model2") # relative path
pred = model2.predict(input_var)
Though I intuitively understand why this solution works, I would be happy if someone can explain me better why it is designed such.