I'm using Polymer and its build process. The bundled files are generated throughmy polymer.json file.
I'm not explicitely using Babel, I've just seen it's used by "paper-autocomplete".
When going to the website, I have a js error stating the BabelHelpers is not defined.
When running it locally it works fine. When I deploy it to my server, I face this issue.
I'm running it as a standalone Java application as it has a Spring backend. The website as multiple entry points, it works fine for all other ones.
The stacktrace :
Command :
polymer build --js-minify --css-minify --html-minify
The polymer.json file
"entrypoint": "pt.html",
"builds": [{
"bundle": true,
"js": {"compile": true, "minify": true},
"css": {"minify": true},
"html": {"minify": false},
"addServiceWorker": true
"shell": "resources/elements-platform.html",
"fragments": [
"sources": [
"extraDependencies": [
I made a few changes, but I don't know which one solved the issue. The problem came from paper-autocomplete. When I stopped using it I didn't have the issue anymore. I'm still using it, but I made several changes :