I am trying to get the bluetooth name/id in a tizen web-application running on Gear S3. On the watch, this information can be found - Settings -> Connections -> Bluetooth -> Bluetooth Gear S3(AAA1).
I want the AAA1 value programmatically. Is there any method or API to get the value in a tizen web-application ?
Invoke the discoverDevices function, You will find the BluetoothDevice interface on the succesCallback parameter.
BluetoothDevice interface represents a remote Bluetooth device having the propertoes:
DOMString name;
BluetoothAddress address;
BluetoothClass deviceClass;
boolean isBonded;
boolean isTrusted;
boolean isConnected;
BluetoothUUID[] uuids;
name is the property you are looking for. In your case the name is: 'Gear S3(AAA1)'
var adapter = tizen.bluetooth.getDefaultAdapter();
var discoverDevicesSuccessCallback = {
ondevicefound: function(device) {
alert('Found device - name: ' + device.name);
adapter.discoverDevices(discoverDevicesSuccessCallback, null);
Add 'bluetooth.gap' privilege (for Tizen 2.3.2 and below) or 'bluetooth' privilege (for Tizen 3.0 and above) in your config.xml:
<tizen:privilege name="http://tizen.org/privilege/bluetooth.gap"/> // <=2.3.2
<tizen:privilege name="http://tizen.org/privilege/bluetooth"/> // >=3.0
Additionally, If you need only 'AAA1' instead of 'Gear S3 (AAA1)', May try a little Regular Expression and split.
var deviceName = "Gear S3 (AAA1)"; // Gear S3 (AAA1)
var removePrts = deviceName.replace(/[()]/g,''); // Gear S3 AAA1
var shortName = removePrts.split(' '); // Gear,S3,AAA1
alert(shortName[2]); // AAA1