Sorry in advance if this doesn't make much sense. I'm fairly new to this, so bear with me please.
I'm trying to specify a domain to a specific folder depending on the domain name the user use ( or, through Amazon Elastic Load Balancer (Application load balancer to be specific).
My current setup is that all traffic from the internet goes to a Load Balancer (ELB), from there it round robin between 2 EC2 instances. Both instances are connected to an Amazon Network File System (EFS), as well as a Relational Database (RDS). I can access the website(s) fine through the DNS of the load balancer (
What I want to do now set it up so that if someone put as their url it will point to the Load Balancer and from there the server will use the correct folder as root ( document root would be, but the URL will still be
I created a hosted zone on Route 53 to point the domain name to my load balancer, but currently my load balancer which leads to one of the ec2 instances. Currently the ec2 document root is /var/www/html/efs-mount/. Is there a way for me to have multiple document root depending on the domain name?
I stumble on something about putting multiple TLS/SSL certificate on your listener and through SNI protocol it'll be able to find right place? I'm not sure if this is what I need, or I'm completely off track.
If someone can point me to the right direction on how to do this that would be great.
You are indeed off track.
While ALB with multiple SSL certificates may be a part of your strategy, since it allows you to attach multiple ACM certificates to a single instance or group of instances, ALB does not re-write the paths of the incoming requests or determine how the instance resolves web paths into filesystem paths.
This is something configured in your web server itself. Start by searching for something like "name based virtual hosting." Each domain name will specify it's own "document root" in the web server configuration files.