I'm trying to import mousetrap into a react project for some simple keyboard bindings. I installed Mousetrap via yarn. I don't have any errors importing, but the Mousetrap library object is undefined when I try to use it. This is from my main App.tsx component
import Mousetrap from 'Mousetrap';
export default class App extends React.Component {
componentDidMount() {
Mousetrap.bind(['left'], dataStore.pagination.prev());
Mousetrap.bind(['right'], dataStore.pagination.next());
componenentDidUnmount() {
Mousetrap.unbind('left', dataStore.pagination.prev());
Mousetrap.unbind(['right'], dataStore.pagination.next());
public render() {
Here's the error I'm getting. error
I also tried initiating an Mousetrap object to use, but I get this error (plus there's nothing in the documentation saying I would need to).
const mousetrap: Mousetrap = new Mousetrap();
I'm using react, typescript, mobx, material-ui and several other libraries, and I'm quite new to all of them. Any advice would be helpful.
Mousetrap has no named export, so your named import statement will result in undefined
. You can import the library using:
import * as Mousetrap from 'Mousetrap';