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How do I adjust the system settings to allow more simulated devices to boot at once?

I got the following error message when trying to boot my fourth simulator:

Unable to boot device due to insufficient system resources.

Please see Simulator Help for information on adjusting system settings to allow more simulated devices to boot at once.

maxUserProcs: 709, runningUserProcs: 569, enforcedProcBuffer: 144

I don't know what Simulator Help they are referring to, because I'm not finding anything about this. Google also doesn't help me. It's pretty clear from the error message that if runningUserProcs + enforcedProcBuffer is greater than maxUserProcs, you cannot boot another simulator. What isn't clear is how to change the maxUserProcs setting.

Does anyone know how I can change the maxUserProcs?


  • sudo launchctl limit maxproc 2000 2500
