Search code examples

Detect keyboard hotkey inside edit control of CComboBox

I have this code:

BOOL CChristianLifeMinistryStudentMaterialDlg::PreTranslateMessage(MSG* pMsg)
    BOOL    bNoDispatch, bDealtWith;

    bDealtWith = FALSE;

    if (IsCTRLpressed() &&
        pMsg->message == WM_KEYDOWN && pMsg->wParam == _TINT(_T('I')))
        if (EncodeText(pMsg->hwnd, _T("i")))
            // Eat it.
            bNoDispatch = TRUE;
            bDealtWith = TRUE;
    else if (IsCTRLpressed() &&
        pMsg->message == WM_KEYDOWN && pMsg->wParam == _TINT(_T('B')))
        if (EncodeText(pMsg->hwnd, _T("b")))
            // Eat it.
            bNoDispatch = TRUE;
            bDealtWith = TRUE;

    if (!bDealtWith)
        bNoDispatch = CDialogEx::PreTranslateMessage(pMsg);

    return bNoDispatch;

Originally, I had 3 CEdit controls on my dialog. When you used this key press it performed an action as above on the selection in the edit controls.

I changed the controls from CEdit to CComboBox. They are editable type. I adjusted EncodeText to use GetEditSel and SetEditSel.

Only problem is now when I am editing text in the combo box. I select some of the text and press CTRL + I and nothing happens. The PTM of my dialog is not getting intercepted.

Visual Example

In this CEdit control I can select text:

Select Text

Then I use one of the hot keys, eg: CTRL + B and it still works:

Results for CEdit

But, when I select some text in the editable CComboBox and use the same hot key:

Use hot key on CComboBox

In this case it is not working.

I have assumed it is because technically I am inside a embedded "Edit" control of the combo. How do I still detect the hot keys now that I am using selected text inside a combo?


  • I ended up creating a new class CEncodedCombBox, derived from CComboBox, like this:

    // EncodedComboBox.cpp : implementation file
    #include "stdafx.h"
    #include "Meeting Schedule Assistant.h"
    #include "EncodedComboBox.h"
    // CEncodedComboBox
    IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC(CEncodedComboBox, CComboBox)
    BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CEncodedComboBox, CComboBox)
    // CEncodedComboBox message handlers
    BOOL CEncodedComboBox::PreTranslateMessage(MSG* pMsg)
        BOOL    bNoDispatch, bDealtWith;
        DWORD   dwSel = GetEditSel();
        CString strCode = _T(""), strText;
        bDealtWith = FALSE;
        if (IsCTRLpressed() &&
            pMsg->message == WM_KEYDOWN && pMsg->wParam == _TINT(_T('I')))
            strCode = _T("i");
            bNoDispatch = TRUE;
            bDealtWith = TRUE;
        else if (IsCTRLpressed() &&
            pMsg->message == WM_KEYDOWN && pMsg->wParam == _TINT(_T('B')))
            strCode = _T("b");
            bNoDispatch = TRUE;
            bDealtWith = TRUE;
        if (bDealtWith)
            CMeetingScheduleAssistantApp::EncodeText(strText, strCode, LOWORD(dwSel), HIWORD(dwSel));
            SetEditSel(HIWORD(dwSel) + 7, HIWORD(dwSel) + 7);
        if (!bDealtWith)
            bNoDispatch = CComboBox::PreTranslateMessage(pMsg);
        return bNoDispatch;

    As you can see, it includes a PreTranslateMessage and it works:

    Hot keys now work

    If there is a better way then I welcome your comments or answer.


    I had to test against the edit control handle and not to combo box handle for my own CDialog to work:

    if (::GetParent(hWnd) == m_cbMaterialAssignment1.GetSafeHwnd())

    No derived combo class needed any more.