What other ways can you build a stdClass object similar to an associative array without using a loop, other than
$obj = (object)[ 'item1' => 1 , 'item2'=> 2 ];
Similar to how you can create an object in Javascript
var obj = { item1 : 1 , item : 2 }
Thank you in advance.
According to Anthony on PHP Manual:
In PHP 7 there are a few ways to create an empty object:
$obj1 = new \stdClass; // Instantiate stdClass object
$obj2 = new class{}; // Instantiate anonymous class
$obj3 = (object)[]; // Cast empty array to object
var_dump($obj1); // object(stdClass)#1 (0) {}
var_dump($obj2); // object(class@anonymous)#2 (0) {}
var_dump($obj3); // object(stdClass)#3 (0) {}
For more on what he had to say visit the PHP Manual documentation with his answer.
To expand on his answer, the first one would look like this:
First example
$obj1 = new \stdClass;
$obj1->first = 1;
// output
// stdClass Object
// (
// [first] => 1
// )
Second example
$obj2 = new class{ };
$obj2->second = 2;
// output
// class@anonymous Object
// (
// [second] => 2
// )
Third example
$obj3 = (object)[];
$obj3->third = 3;
// output
// stdClass Object
// (
// [third] => 3
// )
You could do something along those lines; it's as easy as that