I'm using GitLab pipelines and have defined my build defintion in the .gitlab-ci.yml
I'm using this to build docker containers.
Simple question. Is there a way I can tag my docker containers with either a semver from gitlab or a timestamp.
The build-in variables don't seem to give me much to work with.
On Windows I've been able to use GitVersion
before in powershell that gets the semver tag and puts it into a variable you can use in the rest of the build process.
If I can't do that, is it possible to get a timestamp from the OS and use that in the yml file?
You can use the timestamp in your .gitlab-ci.yml
like this (taken from our own usage creating <year>.<month>
tags and releases:
- export VERSION=$(date +%y.%m)
- docker build -t myregistry/project/image:$VERSION
This results in a image tag like: myregistry/project/image:17.10
You can use date +%s
instead of date +%y.%m
for unixtimestamp.
Depending on your (git)flow you can also use branch-slugs provided by Gitlab CI env vars