I am currently using Jmeter to automate this process however I am not able to automate the login process. I have used the following regular expression to extract the __RequestVerificationToken <input name="__RequestVerificationToken" type="hidden" value="([A-Za-z0-9+=/\-\_]+?)">
I then proceed to request the token when attempting to log in
When running the test however I am receiving Response code of 500. When investigating the request data the token is not being pulled correctly
Remember not to use regular expressions to parse HTML data. It is a real headache to develop and maintain regular expressions dealing with HTML code, moreover regular expressions are very sensitive to any markup change (line break, extra space, attributes order change, etc.) so I would recommend considering switching to CSS/JQuery Extractor instead. The relevant configuration will be as simple as:
will be fineinput[name=__RequestVerificationToken]
This way you will have robust and reliable way of extracting the __RequestVerificationToken
See How to Use the CSS/JQuery Extractor in JMeter article for more information.