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bazel testdata absolute path need '/external/'

I have a test:

    name = "common_test",
    linkstatic = 1,
    srcs = glob([
    linkopts = [
    data= [

my testdata is define in:

    name = "testdata",
    srcs = glob([
    visibility = ["//visibility:public"]

the TEST_PATH get by here :

    char cwdBuf[10240];
    if (getcwd(cwdBuf, 10240) == NULL) {
        std::cerr << "get cwd failed, error:" << strerror(errno) << std::endl;
    _testRootPath = cwdBuf;
std::string GET_TEST_DATA_PATH(std::string bazelTestPath = "") const {
    return _testRootPath + bazelTestPath + std::string("/testdata/");

in my testcode:

GET_TEST_DATA_PATH() +"/biz_info_test/" can't find the testdata
GET_TEST_DATA_PATH('/external/my_project') +"/biz_info_test/" is ok

Because I have a lot of projects to be changed to bazel compilation, I need a more general way to solve the testdata path problem.I dont want to write code like this:

GET_TEST_DATA_PATH('/external/my_project1') +"/biz_info_test/"
GET_TEST_DATA_PATH('/external/my_project2') +"/biz_info_test/"
GET_TEST_DATA_PATH('/external/my_project3') +"/biz_info_test/"

I hope bazel can do like this: It can find where is my WORKSPACE dir.

├── my_pj
│   └── BUILD
├── testdata
so my testdata dir is: _testRootPath + std::string("/testdata/")


  • This is a known issue and we are working on changing it to match your expectation. It is unfortunately a hard change because it impacts all the projects building with Bazel (including everything at Google).