Xcode keeps an archive of all the versions of my apps that I've submitted to the app store in the 'archived applications' section. I assumed using this I could install an old version of an app to my device, in order to reproduce any problems my client may have had with that particular version.
However, when I try to do this I get an error:
'this executable was signed with invalid entitlements, the entitlements specified in your applications code signing entitlements do not match those specified in your provisioning profile'
The original app was signed using our App Store distribution certificate, and I use the Organizer interface to re-sign it using our Developer profile.
Then I get the error, and the app isn't installed.
Is there something obvious I'm doing wrong here? Or is there a different process to re-install an archived app to my device?
Edit: Thanks for the answers, I've solved this now. I wrote up the process I used if others want to do this http://pervasivecode.blogspot.com/2011/01/installing-archived-application-to.html
You cannot install an app by dropping it into iTunes when it is signed with the App Store distribution certificate. You need an IPA signed with an Adhoc certificate to do that.
Xcode can resign an archive with the second certificate but I don't think this resigning will overwrite the first certificate. But then, I never tried.