I'm trying to ping my Elasticsearch instance (Deployed through Bonsai an Heroku add on). I have followed their guidelines and try to execute the following code on my computer:
from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch
from settings import BONSAI_URL
import re, logging
# Log transport details (optional):
# Parse the auth and host from env:
bonsai = BONSAI_URL
auth = re.search('https\:\/\/(.*)\@', bonsai).group(1).split(':')
host = bonsai.replace('https://%s:%s@' % (auth[0], auth[1]), '')
# Connect to cluster over SSL using auth for best security:
es_header = [{
'host': host,
'port': 443,
'use_ssl': True,
'http_auth': (auth[0],auth[1])
# Instantiate the new Elasticsearch connection:
es = Elasticsearch(es_header)
# Verify that Python can talk to Bonsai (optional):
I've got the following error message:
elasticsearch.exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured: Root certificates are missing for certificate validation. Either pass them in using the ca_certs parameter or install certifi to use it automatically.
I believe this error is coming from the fact that I don't have a https certificates so I used HTTP, by removing the s
in the URL and the regex and switching the use_ssl
to False but I got the following error:
urllib3.exceptions.ProtocolError: ('Connection aborted.', ConnectionResetError(54, 'Connection reset by peer'))
How can I insert data from my computer into elasticsearch on Heroku?
You are probably using Python3. The problem is about your python version and the way urlib behave.
A quick fix could be:
es_header = [{
'host': host,
'port': 443,
'use_ssl': True,
'http_auth': (auth[0],auth[1]),
'verify_certs': False
But this way is not secure. A more definitive fix could be to write down in your requirements.txt:
Type in your terminal:
pip install -r requirements.txt
In your file where you are instanciating elasticsearch:
import certifi
Then launch the exact same code that you launched before and it should work and will be secure.