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How to separate Sphinx chapters within a single part into different files?

I'm using the wonderful Sphinx tool to create some documentation and I'm trying to keep the codebase in a modular form by separating chapters of the same part into separate files. (See here for definitions of 'chapter' and 'part'.)

I've tried to do this using two files, test1.rst:

Part 1

Chapter 1

Section 1
Test Content 1.

and test2.rst:

Chapter 2

Section 2
Test Content 2.

They are included in index.rst like this:

.. toctree::
   :maxdepth: 2


However, upon build, Chapter 2 doesn't get nested within Part 1. Why is this? Is there any way of doing this without having to create a script to append them into a single file like the example below?


Part 1

Chapter 1

Section 1
Test Content 1.

Chapter 2

Section 2
Test Content 2.


  • It seems like the include directive is what you are looking for. The included file's content is parsed and included at the point of the directive.


    Part 1
    Chapter 1
    Section 1
    Test Content 1.
    .. include:: test2.rst