I'm trying to use fixture-context objects with async testing in ScalaTest.
The naive approach of simply combining the two doesn't compile. For example:
import org.scalatest.AsyncWordSpec
import scala.collection.GenTraversableOnce
import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future}
import scala.math.Numeric.IntIsIntegral
trait Adder[T] {
implicit def num: Numeric[T]
def add(number: T): Unit
def result: Future[T]
object Foo {
def doubleSum[T](adder: Adder[T], numbers: GenTraversableOnce[T])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[T] = {
val num = adder.num
import num._
adder.result.map(result => result + result)
class FooSpec extends AsyncWordSpec {
trait IntAdder {
val adder = new Adder[Int] {
override implicit val num = IntIsIntegral
private var sum = Future.successful(num.zero)
override def add(number: Int): Unit = sum = sum.map(_ + number)
override def result: Future[Int] = sum
"Testing" should {
"be productive" in new IntAdder {
Foo.doubleSum(adder, Seq(1, 2, 3)).map(sum => assert(sum == 12))
This fails to compile with:
Error:(37, 11) type mismatch;
found : FooSpec.this.IntAdder
required: scala.concurrent.Future[org.scalatest.compatible.Assertion]
new IntAdder {
This is a legitimate error but I'm wondering what ways there are of solving this in a ScalaTest style.
I want to keep the fixture-context object since that allows me to use the stackable trait pattern.
What about:
import org.scalatest.compatible.Assertion
class FooSpec extends AsyncWordSpec {
def withIntAdder(test: Adder[Int] => Future[Assertion]): Future[Assertion] = {
val adder = new Adder[Int] { ... }
"Testing" should {
"be productive" in withIntAdder { adder =>
Foo.doubleSum(adder, Seq(1, 2, 3)).map(sum => assert(sum == 12))
class FooSpec extends AsyncWordSpec {
trait IntAdder {
val adder = new Adder[Int] {
override implicit val num = IntIsIntegral
private var sum = Future.successful(num.zero)
override def add(number: Int): Unit = sum = sum.map(_ + number)
override def result: Future[Int] = sum
trait SomeMoreFixture {
"Testing" should {
"be productive" in {
val fixture = new IntAdder with SomeMoreFixture
import fixture._
Foo.doubleSum(adder, Seq(1, 2, 3)).map(sum => assert(sum == 12))