I am trying to Index/Match data only when a certain criteria is met.
I could do this with two arrays but I'm hoping there's an easy answer here.
My code is as follows:
Sub Nozeroleftbehind(lengthRow As Integer)
For i = 2 To lengthRow
If Cells(1, i) = 0 Then Cells(1, i) = "TBD"
Next i
For i = 2 To lengthRow
If Cells(1, i) = "#N/A" Then
Cells(2, i) = "=INDEX(Forecast!L:L,MATCH('AA - Inbound Orders Weekly Rep'!H113,Forecast!A:A,0))"
End if
Next i
End Sub
And then pass that sub back to the main routine.
What I am trying to get dynamic is that 'H113' cell. I can't seem to get an offset to work properly since it's already in a formula.
EDIT: Apologies, H113 moves down. Next cell would be H114.
Please try this code.
Sub NoZeroLeftBehind(lengthRow As Integer)
' 18 Oct 2017
Dim lengthRow As Long
Dim Tmp As Variant
Dim C As Long
lengthRow = 4
For C = 2 To lengthRow
' bear in mind that the Cell is a Range
' and you want to refer to its Value & Formula property
With Cells(1, C)
Tmp = .Value
' using the Val() function will interpret a blank cell as zero value
If Val(Tmp) = 0 Then
.Value = "TBD"
ElseIf IsError(Tmp) Then
.Formula = "=INDEX(Forecast!L:L,MATCH('AA - Inbound Orders Weekly Rep'!H" & _
(113 + C - 2) & ",Forecast!A:A,0))"
End If
End With
Next C
End Sub