I'm trying to read data from an input file (multiple files actually) and then perform certain operations on the data for each file and print the output of each input file to an output in Fortran,
So it's something like this..
Open (20, file="a0001.csv)
[perform operation on this file]
print output0001.txt
input files :a0001.csv,a0002.csv,...a0100.csv
outputfiles :output1.txt, output2.txt,.... output100.txt
I want to do this for about 100 files.
I'm thinking a do loop for 1-100 but I don't know how to loop through variable input files and then get an output per file
You can convert between numbers and their string representation with the read
and write
statements too. So I'd do something like this:
character(len=len('a0001.csv')) :: infile
character(len=len('output100.txt')) :: outfile
do i = 1, 100
write(infile, '("a", I4.4, ".csv")') i
write(outfile, '("output", I0, ".txt")') i
open(unit=20, file=infile, status="old", action="read", ...)
open(unit=30, file=outfile, status="new", action="write", ...)
!loop over contents of infile, write to outfile
end do