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Postgresql: How to perform LIKE query on a json array?

I have a table with tags stored as a JSONB column. Like:

id   tags
---- ------------------------------
1    ["red", "blue"]
2    ["orange", "light pink"]
3    ["pink", "green"]

I'd like to select rows that contain tags that partially match a pattern -- in my case, I want tags with spaces in them. Something like SELECT * FROM the_table WHERE tags LIKE '% %'. Casting the array to text almost works, except everything matches because Postgres puts a space after commas in the output JSON.


  • Use the function jsonb_array_elements_text().

    with my_table(id, tags) as (
        (1, '["red", "blue"]'::jsonb),
        (2, '["orange", "light pink"]'),
        (3, '["pink", "green"]')
    select *
    from my_table, jsonb_array_elements_text(tags)
    where value like '% %';
     id |           tags           |   value    
      2 | ["orange", "light pink"] | light pink
    (1 row)