Is there a way I can quickly mimic all the properties of a form into for a new form one without directly copying the object (Ctrl-C&V, etc)?
Edit: Looking to copy into an entirely different Access Database.
Open each form in design view, set them equal to an object variable, and then set the properties of the source form equal to the proeprties of the destination form. Use a funciton like this in a public module:
Public Sub UpdateForm(SourceForm as string, DestinationForm as string)
dim frm1 as new form
dim frm2 as new form
set frm1 = forms(SourceForm)
set frm2 = forms(DestinationForm}
'* List the properties you want to copy here:
With form2
.RecordSource = frm1.RecordSource
.Caption = frm1.Caption
.DataEntry = frm1.DataEntry
'* And so on for each property
End With acform, DestinationForm
End Sub
If it's not a one-off project, I'd include some code to check and open the forms if they weren't already open.