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How to empty a S3 bucket using the AWS SDK for GOlang?

Goal: To empty an existing S3 bucket using the AWS SDK for GOlang.


  • NOTE: These are code snippets that might require YOU to make changes on YOUR SIDE to make it run.

    You will need to implement the below method:

      //EmptyBucket empties the Amazon S3 bucket
        func (s awsS3) EmptyBucket(bucket string) error {
            log.Info("removing objects from S3 bucket : ", bucket)
            params := &s3.ListObjectsInput{
                Bucket: aws.String(bucket),
            for {
                //Requesting for batch of objects from s3 bucket
                objects, err := s.Client.ListObjects(params)
                if err != nil {
                    return err
                //Checks if the bucket is already empty
                if len((*objects).Contents) == 0 {
                    log.Info("Bucket is already empty")
                    return nil
                log.Info("First object in batch | ", *(objects.Contents[0].Key))
                //creating an array of pointers of ObjectIdentifier
                objectsToDelete := make([]*s3.ObjectIdentifier, 0, 1000)
                for _, object := range (*objects).Contents {
                    obj := s3.ObjectIdentifier{
                        Key: object.Key,
                    objectsToDelete = append(objectsToDelete, &obj)
                //Creating JSON payload for bulk delete
                deleteArray := s3.Delete{Objects: objectsToDelete}
                deleteParams := &s3.DeleteObjectsInput{
                    Bucket: aws.String(bucket),
                    Delete: &deleteArray,
                //Running the Bulk delete job (limit 1000)
                _, err = s.Client.DeleteObjects(deleteParams)
                if err != nil {
                    return err
                if *(*objects).IsTruncated { //if there are more objects in the bucket, IsTruncated = true
                    params.Marker = (*deleteParams).Delete.Objects[len((*deleteParams).Delete.Objects)-1].Key
                    log.Info("Requesting next batch | ", *(params.Marker))
                } else { //if all objects in the bucket have been cleaned up.
            log.Info("Emptied S3 bucket : ", bucket)
            return nil

    UPDATE : The latest version of AWS SDK for GO has resolved the prior issue I had.