Feel free to say if you think something is wrong. I extended Devise Registration controller to create a Profile object to every new user:
class Users::RegistrationsController < Devise::RegistrationsController
def new
resource = build_resource({})
resource.profile = Profile.new
resource.profile.user_id = @user.id
respond_with resource
They both are has_one
- has_one
related and in database:
create_table :profiles do |t|
t.belongs_to :user, index: { unique: true }, foreign_key: true
So to get the right profile of current user, I must:
def set_profile
@profile = Profile.where(user_id: current_user.id).first
And this kinda solves the problem - seems other users cant go around this query and access other profiles (or CAN THEY?), but for other resources I use Pundit to control authorisation, so now it feels a bit messy.
So thats one concern. Other - I still don't know how to act when there is no user logged, because if visiting any restricted resource, this:
def set_some_resource
Throws - "undefined method `id' for nil:NilClass) - how is best to avoid this?
Thanks for any advices.
You may want to start by reading the Rails guides on assocations.
To create a one to one association you use belongs_to
on the side with the foreign key column and has_one on the other.
class User
has_one :profile
class Profile
belongs_to :user
ActiveRecord then automatically links the records together. In general you should avoid setting ids (or getting associated records by ids) explicitly and instead use the assocations:
class Users::RegistrationsController < Devise::RegistrationsController
# ...
def new
# calls Devise::RegistrationsController#new
super do |user|
Devise is pretty nifty and lets you pass a block to tap into the flow instead of copypasting the whole action.
Simularily you would fetch the current users profile with:
def set_profile
@profile = current_user.profile
You can set if the callback should be called by using the if:
before_action :set_profile, if: :user_signed_in?
But if the action requires authentication you should make sure that it is after :authenticate_user!
anyways which will halt the filter chain.
And this kinda solves the problem - seems other users cant go around this query and access other profiles (or CAN THEY?), but for other resources I use Pundit to control authorisation, so now it feels a bit messy.
You don't need to use Pundit to authorize creating a profile or fetching the current users profile. Since the profile is fetched via the user the is no way for another user to access it (well without hacking).
what you might want to authorize is the show, index, edit etc actions if you create a ProfilesController